This status reflects the status of the transmission of the invoice to Murphy Oil via the Ariba Network.
Obsoleted You cancelled the invoice
Failed Invoice failed Murphy Oil invoicing rules. Murphy Oil did not receive this invoice.
Queued Ariba Network received the invoice, but has not processed it.
Sent Ariba Network sent the invoice to a queue. The invoice is awaiting pickup by the customer.
Acknowledged Murphy Oil invoicing application has acknowledged the receipt of the invoice.
This status reflects the status of Murphy Oil’s action on the invoice.
Sent The invoice is sent to the Murphy Oil, but they have not yet verified the invoice against the POs and receipts.
Cancelled Murphy Oil approved the invoice cancellation.
Approved Murphy Oil has verified the invoice against the POs or contracts and receipts, and approved for payment.
Rejected Murphy Oil has rejected the invoice or the invoice failed validation by the Ariba Network. If Murphy Oil accepts invoice then the status is updated to Sent.
Failed Ariba Network experienced a problem routing the invoice.
Paid Payment for invoice has been remitted to Supplier.