Users have the ability to locate the status of a SES or invoice in Ariba, depending on the account type. However, Ariba will not provide payment dates.
Ariba Enterprise: Locate Status of Invoice or Service Entry Sheet
Ariba Standard: Locate Status of Invoice or Service Entry Sheet
For invoice payment dates,
- if there is an SES, the payment date will be approximately net 30 days after the day the SES was approved (most cases).
- For further information on the SES statuses, you may email the SES approver directly for an update. If they are unable to locate the SES in the system, please open a ticket.
- if there is NOT an SES, the date will be approximately net 30 days after the Ariba invoice date, assuming there are no other issues.
If you are still unable to locate the status, please open a ticket in the Murphy Freshdesk portal: