Murphy Oil Ariba Support

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Transaction Rules

These rules determine what can be entered when creating invoices. 

  1. LOG-IN to your Ariba Network account. 

  1. CLICK on the Company Settings on the top right-hand corner and then CLICK on Customer Relationships under Account Settings. 

  1. A list of your Customers is displayed in a drop-down menu. CLICK on Murphy Oil link to view the submittal rules. 

  1. SCROLL-DOWN to the Invoice set-up section and VIEW the invoice rules. 

*NOTE: If Murphy Oil enabled country-based Invoice Rules then you will be able to choose your Country in Originating Country of Invoice from the drop-down menu.  

  1. CLICK Done when complete. 

*NOTE: For further resources on POs, Invoices and cXML guides, and other training material, CLICK directly on the Supplier Information Portal beside the customer name.

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