Create a Role
NOTE: A role must be created before a user can be added.
1. CLICK Account Settings > Settings > Users
2. Create the Role by CLICKING the + on the right.
3. Add a name for the role. Ensure the below items are checked.
- Inbox and Order Access
- Invoice Generation
- Outbox Access
4. Once all three items are checked, CLICK Save at the top right.
Add a User
NOTE: A role must be created before you can add a user.
1. CLICK Users in Account Settings. CLICK Manage Users.
2. Add a user by CLICKING the + on the right.
3. Add the users information, CLICK the Role and CLICK Done at the top once complete.
4. Once the user is added, you will see the name displayed under Users. Once confirmed, CLICK Save.
Modifying User Accounts
1. Locate user to be modified in Manage Users.
2. CLICK Actions on the right, select one of the following:
- Edit
- Delete
- Make Administrator (this will give the user all of the account rights)
3. Once changes are complete, CLICK Save in the top right.